[Details on Request]

info@detailsonrequest.com www.detailsonrequest.com

Thursday, 25 February 2010


We are looking for artists to take part in our launch event on the 1st April 2010 in our studio/exhibition space in East London.


The work can be in any media but should show evidence of its own production, whether this in the form of painting, video, sculpture or performance.


Proposals should include:


A brief description of the work

Dimensions or installation requirements

Technical equipment required

Duration(for time-based or performance work)

Photographs of the work or examples of other work


Please send proposals, a brief cover letter and a short c.v. to:




Delivery and transportation of the work will fall to the artist.


Many thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

London Fashion Week

On Monday evening [Details on Request] attended Fashion Week at Somerset House. And what can we say; black is most definitely the new black.

There was a very obvious dark side to this year’s exhibition, and we loved it. Bodices, leather, bondage, extreme wedged shoes, feathers and lace had us very hot under the collar - delicious. Gothic structured dresses and tailoring were softened by delicate detailing of fringing, crochet and beadwork. Feminist fashion at its best.

We spent most of the evening exploring the Estethica exhibition, to witness that ethically sustainable fashion can be as brilliantly executed and inspiring as the main exhibition. We can only suspect the exhibitions were separated to highlight Fashion Week as a true member of the eco warrior squad. (And of course there may have been a nice budget boost from the government).

The coolest of the green brigade are all clad in Lily Cole’s label The North Circular. Think big knits, woolen hats and tweed.

Other notable labels included Minna, one of our definite favorites.

Friday, 19 February 2010

Print Now at Bearspace

We will be going to this most definitely (some of our work is in it!!).  Come along and have a look and join us for the after party at The Old Police Station on Friday the 26th Feb 2010.

After the success of PRINT NOW at the London Art Fair in January, BEARSPACE exhibits PRINT NOW (part 2) with new works by Suzanne Moxhay, Joan Molloy, Marco Cali, and new additional artists.

PRINT NOW is an innovative exhibition of new works by over 
100 emerging artists based on the concept of PRINT as a medium and a repetitive process. Works range from sculpture constructed from recycled printed fliers, to etching on aluminium and lithograph. 

Artists have been selected by a panel of curators and writers, specifically concerned with emerging art, including Julia Alvarez, Director of BEARSPACE, Kay Saatchi, collector and curator, Pryle Behrman, writer and curator of 
Art Projects at the London Art Fair and Mike Sims, Deputy Editor of Printmaking Today. Guest artists including David Shrigley and Billy Childish have also been invited to exhibit to represent artists working with print techniques and repetitive processes in a unique and successful way.

Prices range from £25 - £700 for editioned prints and one off works. All works will also be available online via 
www.bearspace.co.uk/printnow and www.culturelabel.com

For further details please visit:

152 Deptford High Street

27 February-27 March 2010, Wed- Sat, 12.30-5.00pm

Thursday, 18 February 2010

What Where at Sutton Lane

Last week [DoR] attended the private view of What Where at Sutton Lane Gallery, featuring works by Tauba Auerbach, Alex Hubbard, Nathan Hylden and Zak Prekop. The exhibition primarily investigated concepts concerned with painting as constructive process and method.

[DoR] found Alex Hubbard’s painting Untitled 2010 demonstrated this very successfully. By layering colour and material, Hubbard’s paintings develop depth and thickness, evoking thoughts of gesture or performance of painting.

[DoR] noted the subtle discourse between Alex Hubbard’s large canvas and Zak Prekop’s dwarfed canvas that hung adjacent to it. The connection was made through a slight but significant colour similarity present on the edges of the paintings. This made us happy.

Zak Prekop Paintings without Black Lines 2009

You could not describe these painted surfaces as ‘paintings’; the techniques that contributed to the final outcome of these paintings are complex.

Monday, 15 February 2010

To do list:

eat pancakes,
go to a talk on 'International Practices' at the Whitechapel gallery with Joanna Callaghan and Samuel Dowd,
frame an exhibition,
buy tickets to see Tunng,
look forward to seeing a Crazy Heart,
read the Sunday paper before the week is up and
brush hair and polish shoes ready for London Fashion Week.


[Details on Request] go to the coast

We escaped London for the Kent coast....not much art but still plenty to see.

At the beginning there was a beef bourguignon and at the end there was a gherkin lurking in a misty corner cupboard.

Gaea Todd at Marsden Woo Project Space

[Details on Request] were very pleased to attend the opening of Gaea Todd’s work at the Marsden Woo Project Space. The first clue to Todd’s work were two knots of hair attached to the banisters of the stairs- these knots formed the beginning of a glass runged Rapunzel ladder which fell down to the basement Project Space where there were a series of glass based installations.

[DoR] were fascinated by the red wine filled glass tubes of ‘Reverberations’ which protruded from three walls surrounding and containing the viewer. The feeling of wonderment at the technical skill of the installation was matched by an acute awareness of self as any movement made could move (or snap) any of the rods. In Study 4, thick molasses will move through a series of glass funnels and shoots mapped across one wall of the Project Space eventually creating a relief drawing.

Gaea Todd’s use of glass alongside fluid hints at something cold and clinical but this is given a more organic twist as she allows the liquids the freedom to move and change within her pieces of work. These installations, whilst remaining delicate, also demand the viewers concentrated observations like that of a scientific experiment.

'Gaea Todd studied at the Royal College of Art, London from 2004 - 2006 and at Brighton University from 2000 - 2003. Some notable events in her career to date include selection for The Bombay Sapphire Prize exhibition, 2006 and the creation of a site-specific sculpture, ‘Plug Hole’, for a derelict house in Lumsden, made as part of the Summer Scottish Sculpture Residency in 2007. She has recently completed an ‘Emerging Artist’ residency at Kingsgate Workshops, London and is currently an Artist in Residence at Middlesex University.' 


Sunday, 7 February 2010

What Where at Sutton Lane

[DoR] has been invited to the opening of What Where at Sutton Lane Gallery this Tuesday. The title of the exhibition comes from Samuel Beckett's final dramatic work, one of [DoR]'s favorite authors and playwrights. The exhibition shows work by Tauba Auerbach, Alex Hubbard, Nathan Hylden and Zak Prekop.

The exhibition runs until the 3rd March 2010.

1 Sutton Lane, London EC1M 5PU


Gaea Todd at the Marsden Woo Gallery

We are looking forward to seeing Gaea Todd's work at the project space of the Marsden Woo Gallery.

The exhibition has been curated by Tessa Peters and Janice West who curated a series of installations at Dr. Johnston's House this summer. The exhibition runs until the 20th March 2010.

[DoR] will be visiting the gallery this week and we will let you know what we think.

17-18 Great Sutton Street, London EC1V 0DN

Vulpes Vulpes

On Wednesday night [DoR] attended Twelve Constellations at Vulpes Vulpes space in Clapton. Vulpes Vulpes is an artist run studio and exhibition space who hold regular art events, bringing together the local art community.

The exhibition brought together eleven emerging artists whose work referred to ideas of antiquities and collections. [DoR] were particularly drawn to Henry Castle's Once I shot a Bluebird for his subtle and innocent comment on universal certainty and Sam Hallett's We All Die Poor Things which also looked at the concept of mortality. In this piece a variety of different insects were ritually cremated in small cast coffins, simply displayed flagged by candles, like an altar.

The exhibition was curated by Carla Wright.

Henry Castle Once I shot a Bluebird

Sam Hallett We All Die Poor Things

The evening was most enjoyable and it was great to see some familiar faces from Bath. We are looking forward to seeing what Vulpes Vulpes will bring us next.

Unit 4, Prout Road, Clapton, London. E5 9NP

Friday, 5 February 2010

Under The Dust

Our office/studio is based in Under The Dust, a collection of studios and an exhibition space opening soon. We have spent all day fetching and carrying bits of wall and floor and side boards and old heaters and rather a copious amount of mattresses out of the space and into another. [DoR] slept well on Sunday night!