Wednesday, 28 July 2010
How To Attract The Opposite Sex Location Change
Friday, 16 July 2010
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Seminars In Irrelevant Learning
Seminars in Irrelevant Learning looks at the way in which people are taught and learn. From childhood we have learnt by mimicking the actions of those around us, we watch the way in which they act and follow suit by repeating what we have seen. Rather than being consciously taught we learn by example. We develop our most important social skills by adapting to the environment around us. But if we are just duplicating the actions of our elders how can we expect to develop and progress as a society?
Rather than taking a traditional exhibition format by displaying artworks, [Details on Request] will be looking at the concept of learning through a series of workshops. The aim of these workshops will be to generate discussions without the use of visual language.
[Details on Request] will be running four workshops, each one looking at one of the things that we have learnt by example and that we assume we know how to do. Each workshop will be held by an industry professional who will break down these activities and teach them in the correct way.
By taking part in these workshops that participants will see whether they can improve on the skills they already know and whether this will benefit their lives in any way. By looking in detail at what we take for granted it allows us to appreciate the complexity of these skills and how we can use them to their full advantage. Seminars also questions the long term worth of learning by example and investigates whether it will be more beneficial to our cultural development to study the everyday skills we use more closely.
Friday 6th August
How To Hold A Conversation held by Glyn Read.
Tina, We Salute You, 47 King Henry's Walk, Dalston N1
Saturday 7th August
How To Like Things held by Andrew Jeremy Houghton-Robinson
Gossip, 62 Broadway Market, E8 4QJ
Sunday 15th August
How To Eat Proper
Under the Dust (Invitation only)