Nick Laessing: LIGHT | READING
19th March - 17th April 2010
LIGHT | READING is the product of Nick Laessing’s PERMACULTURES residency at [space] Studios, exploring and researching the free-energy movement.
PERMACULTURES residency offers an environment to discuss and explore the relationship of sustainability in regard to the creative and the ecology of art and culture.
A number of scientists, including the inventor Nikola Tesla, thought it to be possible to source free-energy from our atmosphere. During Laessing’s residency radio interviews were sourced along with primary reasearch to explore the development and progress of this philosophy.
The exhibition presents Nick Laessing’s reconstruction of a radiant engeriser to power the lighting and sound equipment that is used in the exhibition. The physical experiments are presented along with the research to highlight our environmental situation and to gain a better understanding of the ethos surrounding alternative energy.
Adam Thomas: Colourless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously
19th March - 17th April 2010
The practice of Adam Thomas explores the innovative generation of language, from speech/sound to physical form, Colourless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously presents us with this transition.
Thomas' practice attempts to depict language as visual object, exploring the discourse that binds art and linguistics. The attempt is to present language for consideration and analysis.
Language exists as translator of emotion and feeling into a universally understood dialogue, undergoing this rendering the primary emotion is diluted. By conveying speech through object the aesthetic is still present and more easily read, along with its history and original context.
Guestroom: The Librarians
19th March - 17th April 2010
Guestroom is a collaborative project between artists Maria Benjamin and Ruth Höflich, based in East London. Guestroom seeks to emphasize and develop relationships, community and communication through one off events and on going projects, encouraging group practice, performance and correspondence.
The Librarians is an interactive piece, consisting of eight video portraits, documenting personal collections or libraries. Each video portrays the individuals intentional or unintentional collection/library, which aims to highlight their personal selection process, suggesting a view of their personal practice.
Watching the videos sporadically allows a relationship to develop between the featured collectors and their ideas.
Ben Woodeson: Foyer Space
19th March - 17th April 2010
Ben Woodeson's innovative and amusing installations aim to create an uneasy relationship between the viewer and the institution.
Since the start of 2009 Woodeson has been creating and installing the Health & Safety Violation Series of deliberately dangerous sculptures which have included trip wires, electric fences and suffocation devices. These sculptures are installed in their environment to cause change and affect and allow the viewer to feel unsettled.
Foyer Space consisted of a public sign stating that a chemical spillage had occurred, and to be aware that you/the viewer may suffer serious symptoms.
[Eloise P. Jones]
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