[Details on Request]

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Friday, 12 August 2011

InsideOut and ViceVersa

The rise of outsider art and graffiti to the gallery, the thrust of fine art and illustration onto the streets, and the exploration of where the two coHere comes InsideOut and ViceVersa.

Showcasing soon to be heard of talent alongside just back from another sell-out solo show in Europe. Featuring street artists, graffiti writers, professional illustrators, painters, graphic designers, one artificist and two waifs at the capital’s freshest gallery, London West Bank.

Styles, mediums, concepts, continents, 12 countries, 30 artists, 11th August, reAction sculpture, live painting, a drink, a private view, consider yourself invited and compelled…

7pm to Midnight, RSVP to guestlist@londonwestbank.c​om

Curated by artist Louis “Masai” Michel, with consultancy from Simon Watt.

Exhibiting artists: belin, data, jaybo monk, silje kristiansen, monstieur, inkfetish, erik michel, charlie penrose, leeks, tizer, vera edwards, linda aslaksen, cosmo sarson, katrin schubert, ordu, snub 23, jim mcelvaney, the krah, louis masai michel, jack finnigan, lee ellis, danieljaemo, otto schade, simon fuek, dep, lee nutland, julian kimmings, daniel sequeria,
ec. woodard & ben slow.

The exhibition runs 12th - 25th August, everyday, 11am till 7pm.

London West Bank Gallery, 133-137 Westbourne Grove, W11 2RS.

Nearest tube Notting Hill Gate.


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